Ruin Clothing
Ruin | Wed, 05/29/2013 - 12:01
Brief from client
Ruin Clothing is in its first stages of becoming a company, they have asked me to come up with a selection of hand drawn logos, i supplied them with three and they chose this one. They want black on white ( can be reversed ) and preferably a circle. They want the word clothing in the logo somewhere. Please leave feedback and help me make it better :)
Very nice but Virgin appeared in my mind
Cool, but pay as much attention to the lettering (baseline, the space between letters, etc).
It looks ok. Why I put thumb down on typography is b/c you have to work more hard on that to make it look sleek and nice. - here is the tool for practicing that. I mostly disagree with the beginning of letter "R". In swift writing it would be more energetic, this here looks like it was done very slowly with digitizer. Any way look on the Virgin logo, it is believable, b/c all the lines are more straight, there are as little nodes as possible. Having said that, this logo is better than maybe 50% of the stuff here that is presented as logos.
Would be great to the see the other variations on these?
i strongly tend to read "kuin", but the logo is fine, tweak the first letter and i guess you can make it look fine. I would also go with a little darker gray.