Safey Logo Design
matijosaitisa | Sat, 01/04/2014 - 02:58
Brief from client
The Safey brand is for providing you secure boxes in Public places as Beaches, Resorts etc. The main idea in Safey logo design is to reflect the actual product and Safety. Bellow you will find minimalistic and iconic logo for Safey Brand. Fell free to comment!
Great job, like the overall look of it, if it were me, I won't change anything. The color, symbol and typeface work together really well. Well balanced as well.
Thanks JoSetio
I really like the shape of the logo, I have nothing against the color or typography, but reminds me pay-pal logo, that's why I did not put it like me, but I understand that the colors is cool and represents security. excellent work
Thanks Daniel Hosoya really helpful comment. Appreciate
The combination of typography, color and the lock icon inspires security and overall it narrates the whole purpose of the business very clearly.
looks simple and clean. And looks familiar, I mean when I looked at it I had a feeling that I have seen it before.
The (F) looks as if it is missing a part or as if it is smaller than the rest.
Such a great idea and logo.
Unfortunately the Logo reminds me PayPal too, you can try to change the color.
Clean, love the icon.
Try to work the kerning and follow the shapes, eg. letter a, f and e (the letter e is not aligned).
Love it!
Thanks Carlos. Appreciate your notices,one thing you missed ;) Letter E is not aligned properly between letters A and F.By the way just so you know, this logo is not final its a fast sample for you guys to judge ;)
I have the same idea as Carlos. I think you have to look another colors. I find the logo/icon very strong with clear purposes.
I think there's an opportunity to make the "lock" logo look more like an "S." Consider streamlining it a with the curves of the "S" etc. Good start, but could be better and more telegraphic. (As an aside, I think the name is a bit confusing, as it almost seems like a it's Safety spelled wrong)
Thanks AbbaSez. If i would consider about your suggestion making lock logo look more like S i will loose the uniqueness an concept for the current logo. So no thanks i seen hundreds of logos witch represents Safety products.By the way the brand name is a clients choice ;) Thank for advice.
Maybe I'm missing something in the current logo design and concept. Is it supposed to be more than a padlock? Just wondering if I'm overlooking something. Otherwise, I would think making it both a lock and an "S" would make it unique...but perhaps there are many other logos that do that. You would know better than me! :)
Your idea is good, I would def clean up the lines as someone indicated. I like the idea for the symbol but I don't like the symbol, the lines are too thick and the way it rounds at the bottom is pretty awkward. Keep trying a few different things for the symbol and as you said the colors aren't final try and pick something very vibrant and summer-esc
I love the idea, layout, colors etc... good job
One thing I would look at is that your main text has an italicized slant, your symbol slants on both sides bringing the focus down, and the bottom text is plain, strait up and down. I would try to keep to one directional feel on all three of those, just for consistency sake. Other than that, I don't have much that hasn't already been addressed.
Love the icon, and the "sa;ey" text is solid. I think that "f" is screaming for an ascender! I think it would really help bring some balance back, and fix the oddness of that tiny character compared to the rest.
Also, I know blue is usually used for things like this, but what about a strong shade of orange? It screams alertness, attention, and respect.
I know, that some people like the icon, i don't. I like the previous works of the text only, maybe u can use the "a"? Something like that...
The use of an iconic symbol paired with the typographical design is great for brand recognition, and it's a strong choice for simplifying a potentially complex message.