Santa Rosa Tile
KristenSR | Wed, 02/08/2017 - 23:41
Brief from client
Retail tile store - clean, modern update of logo (current logo can be seen at Simple geometry is good, possible visual references to tile, home, completed projects, change, new. Must be suitable/adaptable to thumbnail images for social media, need print version for stationery, will use large version for outdoor signage.
Tall rectangle filled with color (TBD - this blue is similar to current blues used) and overlay of two semi-transparent white rectangles of smaller size. Impressions of movement and filling in, fitting together. Company name to right of graphic of roughly same height, all caps sans serif font. Rectangle could be changed to square for certain usage (profile images, etc.) or for main logo if desired.
I don't think this is a bad start. That being said, you don't need semi-transparent rectangles and you don't need the emboss effect. That would all be lost in small applications.