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Sawa group

Brief from client 

Client wanted a simple logo with matching Arabic and English typography.

Client insisted on having the Arabic and English looking the same. I have used parts of the Arabic word to form the English. Client was so specific about the colors.
Sawa means together in Arabic, the company consisted of 3 smaller entities that's why used the 3 triangles.


venusasaboy73's picture
28 pencils

there's a few kerning problems and I'm not sure the W in the english part needs that thing sticking out of it. Is the yellow I a letter or a is it supposed to be a dividing shape? Have you tried with an / instead?
And though I appreciate you posting an "application", I don't think we need to see the cards, just the logo.

mahayni's picture
195 pencils

Thank you.

I hd to keep that thing sticking out of the W for the client failed to see the resemblance with the Arabic part. And the I shape is a divider. I added the card because I have tried a different lock-up of the logo for the small applications.

venusasaboy73's picture
28 pencils

I would try to make the divider more graphically different from the rest, then, as it just looks like a letter in a different color. Maybe just bolder?
Also, I would space the second line a little more so that everything lines up left and right.

mahayni's picture
195 pencils

Agree with that, thanks.

Version history

  • Version 1

    • I No votes yet.
    • S No votes yet.
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.