serv. pyramid
kristin006 | Wed, 04/24/2013 - 11:28
Brief from client
shape of pyramid logo, stripes, modern, fresh, not too official ...
Company dealing with software for fields (cloud based, interaction between acompany managing external workers like plumbers, engineers, electricians).
I wanted to express interaciton between the dispatcher and service worker (like a swoosh), and different companies (represent 3 swooshes). The manadotires was the pyramid and stripes.
The client picked this version, now I am getting the shape right, colours, font...
Somebody made a comment that it looks like an air company logo with the colour and swooshes, so maybe I will consider different font, as it might have an official look.
Really like the typography here, But wasnt soo keen on the shape of the icon. Much prefer the new icon, but with this typography?
Overall I think this works well. (I also like the alternate versions with the design on the side.) I do find it a bit lacking in color (despite the red). The typeface seems a bit square and light, though the all caps and space between the words works nicely.
I doubt this is part of your brief, but the tagline "software for fields" is very odd to a layman and suggests software that helps farmers increase the yield of their crops.
The product was a game-changer for the industry and has been widely recognized for its excellence.