Silver Racing Team
SeanCasto | Thu, 01/31/2013 - 10:34
Brief from client
Design with a "simple" feeling of speed.

I put this together for a friend of mine in need of a logo for his racing team. He wanted something professional and fresh looking, while still maintaining design ques from the field of choice; racing.
I selected the colors from a large pallet he provided and went to work. Touching up the piece with a slight chrome effect over certain areas.
The "e" being blue is simply a balance issue.. I just felt there was far too much weight on the left side of the logo, otherwise.
For me, this doesn't work too well..... The S and the I being linked like they are confuses my eyes a little and almost makes it look like 'Aver' racing team or something- and the stroke around the whole thing isn't gelling too well either. Also, are there in the gray color? I can't tell if it's just my monitor being funny or if they're really there- but if so, I'd take them out.
I appreciate that the black border between the outer white stroke and the text is very even- that part looks nice, and I don't mind blue and gray together, but I guess I'm not a fan of the rest of it. The font for "racing team" is fine, but other than that I'd be tempted to head back to the drawing board. It's not aesthetically pleasing for me. BUT that's just me, maybe others will chime in and love it?!
This thing is just way too crowded, overdesigned. Silver is not readable at all.
For soe reason, I read Sliver.
It's too complicated for me.