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Soleil Levant

Brief from client 

To create new signage and design for a pub named Soleil Levant (sun rise)

We would like to have something that looks like the signage that used to be on the pub from years ago, very old and traditional but brought up to date.

The pub is a used by the Celtic supporters club so colour wise, green and perhaps some gold.

So this is what i came up with! I'd like to hear your feedback please.


cooperads's picture
196 pencils

The drop shadow is a non-starter. Not liking the border either.

j.o.y's picture
238 pencils

Love the lettering- though I think the L might be a little tight with the E- but very appropriate. The border seems lacking in comparison. Maybe work it into a two line border?? So it's not to thick, but more substantial??? Just a thought. =)

darkreixor's picture
76 pencils

i would drop the shadow, and the border (a border might look nice on a sign but not this one) the next thing is this font does not look very celtic to me

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