Sports Logo Concept
TheDesigner33 | Wed, 02/19/2014 - 22:09
Brief from client
Just a sport logo design for my portfolio

This was a sport logo concept I created because I like sport logo design and just wanted to take a stab at creating and branding an NHL hockey team. The team is the Seattle Thunderwolves. My idea is that Seattle is very stormy/rainy a lot and they do have a lot of wilderness and wildlife up that way so i figured a wolf and combining it with storm aspect made it interesting. The colors all represent like gloomy storm and lighting/thunder storms
I made the logo bigger so it would be the main focus and no NHL logos now do not interact with their typography that much, they are not like college logos or high school logos. They are separate parts with the colors only linking them, that was the look i was going for
I think Shanuea has some good points..
The illustration is well done and clean However I think the yellow around the edges makes the overall logo look 'blurry' and its hard to read the text down the bottom because the yellow around it is so focusing..
I think also you should try incorporate the name or at least letter or initials of the team.. I've attached image showing a some NHL team and it occurs to me that a lot of them actually do incorporate the name of the team or at least the first letter..
Well done so far.
nope im not incorporating the name into the logo because thats not what i want for it, it needs to stand alone. but thanks for the feed back. Im good
Loving the overall design, the illustration is done quite well and it's a very well made piece. However, I would also have to agree with Tommy on your colors. Since the yellow outline is so bright, it gives your wolf a more softer look, which is the total opposite of what you'd be going for (storms). A storm is definitely not soft, so your symbol can be aided with a more contrasted color scheme to make it look more fierce. I played around with the colors a bit to give you some examples of what I meant. :3
As for the type, well its subjective how people feel about it versus how your feel. And for the record, a lot of NHL teams DO use type in their logos, but if you are going for a logo that has to stand without type, then you have to come up with a solution that lets us know that it is of the Seattle thunderwolves. This is the biggest issue a lot of designers run into when they make a logo without text. Since the common person will be thinking "It looks nice, but who are they? Nothing is telling me who they are so I'll give them a name in my mind myself." As of now your symbol is not truly strong enough to give me the sense of a storm or thunder without there being some confusion. So despite what you want on your logo, having text that says who they are (even if its just subtext and not incorporated) would actually strengthen it and save everyone else the trouble of figuring out your brands identity. Usually people don't have time to sit back and ponder what your logo is about, either they will see it or they won't. Keep this in mind.
Overall it is obviously a great design, albeit with a few tweaks it can be even better!
Keep at it!
thank you, I will play around with some things
This is not a logo, doesn't communicate anything, the morphology of the wolf is totally wrong in mouth and eyes, no typography so it can be used to anything and the colors are ok except for the yellow stroke...its a logo for student.
I like constructive criticism not JUST being told what is wrong with it, please do not comment any more on my post because I will not respond, I have a whole branding for this team, just wanted to focus on the main patch for now
This was something else I was working on with this logo as well, this is a secondary patch logo that would go on a shoulder of the jersey, I DO HAVE A WHOLE BRANDING FOR THIS TEAM, i just can't put the whole branding in one post so I have been breaking it up a bit
This looks great! Watch the curves on the top corners.
Agreed, this looks awesome! Hmmmm maybe just a thought, but your emblem-thing here gave me an idea :D
Maybe instead of struggling with the wolf head design, incorporate a wolf inside your emblem and use THAT as your logo? Perhaps a bolt of lighting that strikes the center structure - That way it allows us to literally read from top to bottom "Seattle" "Thunder" "Wolf" since you already have the paw at the bottom :D
Hope I'm making sense XD
well this really was only meant to be the shoulder patch for a jersey so you know that the team is located in seattle, many teams have them.. i really was trying to stay away from the lightning bolt since there already is a team called the Tampa Bay Lightning, but i will play around with some ideas
It's a good start. I think the expression looks a little flat. Maybe exaggerate the snarl a bit by making the top lip curl more. Maybe he needs some mean eyebrows?
The hair tufts on the back of the neck need some cleaning up. To make really clean, precise curves you may need to use the elliptical tool and pathfinder buttons in illustrator.
Let's see a version two :)