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Sunrise Peacock

Brief from client 


I've been working on this the past couple days, and I feel like I'm getting close. It's pending on Logoground, but I have a gut feel it might be declined. Been messing with the neck/beak and colors a lot to make the composition smooth. That beak especially defies me.


ALIASII's picture
6 pencils

I could probably get through these a lot faster if I did more sketching beforehand. I always end up with super crazy WIPs and asset files because I get ahead of myself and jump into Illustrator too soon.

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

you might be too close to this project, what is it?

j.o.y's picture
238 pencils

Bad kerning (even if just a place holder) and I am sorry- but I can't tell what this is =(
I also tend to have a lot feels about sites like logopond (and they are all bad!) but I'll try to keep my opinions to myself. lol

ALIASII's picture
6 pencils

It's a peacock. D: I might have lost the animal again. Dangit.

unterm rad's picture
91 pencils

I saw it as a peacock right away, I don't think the shape is a problem. It's simple and clean, and while I usually prefer tight symmetry the shift of the body and head works well here.

I will say that the colors need work. There's something about the yellow of the body that bothers me. I prefer some of the other color schemes from your sketches, bottom center specifically with the blue body and green neck.

The symbol is sort of flat though, and one change that could give it more depth would be to alter the stroke thickness. Try this: on the neck and on the body, draw the stroke thinner near the top and taper out to a thicker line near the bottom. That would give the illusion of a shadow and brings these elements forward over what's behind.

Good work here, I think you're on the right path.

j.o.y's picture
238 pencils

Holy cow- I just took another look at this and realized I was looking at it all wrong! I saw the flourishes that point to the right as the beak! So I was thrown by that thing that lops over- like the thing that flops over a turkeys beak. And the yellow looked like a duck or swan shaped face and neck.
Am I the only one that saw it that way??? lol

Carlo_5's picture
12 pencils

I looked at this yesterday and had no idea what it was, however I did get some kind of weird pelican / platypus vibe from it. I guess due to the beak and it looking like it swallowed something whole!

Carlo_5's picture
12 pencils

Oh lol - It says Peacock. It's an interesting icon of sorts, yet the beak as you had mentioned needs work. A peacock has a very small pointed beak.

I would think you would want to make the tail flowers which I am assuming are in the background circle a bit more prominent, perhaps pushing the beak into the center of the design.

ErinsSonicYouth's picture
80 pencils

I legit saw it as a duck.

Just change the color of the feathers on the head, and i think that will take care of the issue.

I was so confused, I thought this was some Holy Duck that goes to church every Sunday like a good duck

j.o.y's picture
238 pencils

Glad I'm not the only one- I was so confused by the "peacock"- I literally didn't see it until about the 3rd time I looked at it! And even still- the orange/yellow duck neck stands out more than the peacock to me!

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

I didn't see any birds of any sort the first time I look at it last week (sorry I'm late) I had to read the title of your post to see the peacock.

I think the main problem here is that it's a flat design thing, yet the stroke in the circle are way thicker than the ones on the peacock, which totally kills it visually.

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