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Sydney Oktoberfest

Brief from client 

festive fun and relatable to both oktoberfest and sydney

This is a concept designed for an annual hotel party called Oktoberfest in Sydney. really like the concept of the logo but I am sure there is room for improvement. Please tell me what you think.


JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

Since you gave the directional light treatment to the hands I wonder what this would look like if you applied that to the angles of the building. I also think you could make the symbol a little smaller in relation to the type. The font definitely has the Oktoberfest/Bavarian feel. Maybe center the subtext? Cheers!

Brian Reale's picture

Thanks, I have tried incorporating the lighting into the building but i felt that it lost its shape. I will definitely bring the symbol down in scale, I am just worried about finding that happy medium where the hands and bottle are clearly visible.

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

This a completely different idea but have you thought about merging the Opera House and a hop cone? It might be a little hard to pull off but it's an abstract thought. Long live craft beer!

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