Tas Star Transport Pty Ltd.
schedio | Tue, 04/15/2014 - 04:12
Brief from client
Logo Concept 2
Literally no brief. I know the client well from their last business. All the information provided was. "Hi mate, need a new logo for a merger business. It's called Tas Star Transport Pty Ltd."
As far as the colurs go it has to fit in with his tucks where the old logo will be removed and replaced with the new one. Black, Gold and Marone.
Logo evolution
I can see another image in this, be interesting who else can see it. All constructive feedback is appreciated.
I can see a highway.
I don't think a paper place is the right symbol. It's usually associated to postal services or anything that has to do with delivering a message. That being said, maybe if you rotate the symbol 45° to the left, so it's straight up, you could have both the plane AND the highway. Then it could be something pretty cool.
I'm glad you noticed the plane as I thought it just might be me. It was entirely unintentional and is simply just meant to be a perspective road and a star. The company has nothing to do with postal or delivery services it's mainly industrial equipment and logistics. It's funny how it turned out really.
I have tried the logo on a slant so the road points upwards, but you completely lose the impression of a star visually. So it would new more work to make it back in to a recognisable star shape at first glance.
Thanks for the feedback!
Your other idea is better and has more potential.
this is eye catching..although your other idea is much more eye catching