Alexi Vasiliou | Mon, 01/27/2014 - 23:11
Brief from client
This is for a recruitment company that specialised in finding candidates through unconventional means.
They wanted something that reflected their exciting and dynamic philosophies.

The client completely fell in love with this font, due to the circles looking like people at desks etc...
I never normally suggest gradients or multi-coloured logos (hence the grey insert), but it just seem to make sense with the blocky text.
There's something I wish I resolved better, see if you can guess what it is :)
p.s. colours are a bit murky, unless you zoom.
With the tracking so tight there is more space within the letters than between the letters. I think it makes it a bit hard to read. The a looks like an i for instance.
You're right, it just needs a couple of taps :)
It's been bugging me for a while.
Awesome!! What's the name of the font?
I don't mind the multi-coloured design used here, I think you really pulled it off.. Congrats!
It's Braggadocio, but I've tweaked it.
Good work!
Good work!
So good you said it twice, lol!