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The Hidden Cellar Restaurant

Brief from client 

Client wanted to rebrand their restaurant including a refit, new name etc. To kick things off I presented a handful of ideas to help them and help me get a feel for the project including moods, money etc, bear in mind there was a student marketing team of 8 trying to assert themselves and the budget was (as ever) tight.

Supplied here is what is currently in use, two colour variations for dark and light backgrounds which are usually cream and burgundy. Designed to reflect the fine dining and wine cellar atmosphere, clean crisp and fairly descriptive. Works well on a wide range of mediums.


agentgorringe's picture

Variation for darker backgrounds.

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

I'm not a fan of the green here at all. It loses it's meaning.

jtrumm's picture
24 pencils

The "wine ring" or whatever you'd call it is waaaay overdone. And this one looks like blood, ahhhh!
I do commend you for altering your fonts a bit and making them your own. But I would consider using some more modern fonts.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Ok, the wine ring isn't a bad idea but it really looks like you used one of the infamous Illustrator preset brushes. It's kinda a rule of thumb to never ever use them. It just make the whole thing look cheap and amateurish.

What I'd do is make a real wine stain on a piece of white paper and then scan it. Becareful to not have a lot of bits and edges, it complicates things. Have something realistic yet simple and which won't screw the whole thing when the logo's reduced.

I agree with Jtrumm, I like what you tried to do with the font, and bring in custom ligatures, but it's not working right now. The ligature between the R and the N looks a bit forced. It's not really flowing. Same with the one with T and the H.

I'd refrain from doing the same with the subtext. That S looks uselessly too fancy.

I like the font you picked, it simple and vintage without looking dated. Not a fan of the one for the subtext though.

I'm also not a fan of the alternative color scheme. The green circle doesn't make any sense.

Good luck!

agentgorringe's picture

Thank you both, always good to have another set of eyes on things.
I pretty much agree with most of that and I'll be tweeking it as I find the time, the client's happy and at the time of 2 hours work they like the price too.

Iventy Digital's picture

I think it needs a stronger typography, striking!

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