The uni-city
Brief from client
A Ground Breaking Ceremony for the construction
of the Uni-City took place on Friday 6th
September 2013. This marked the beginning of
the construction of the first phase of the
project. Organizations that have come on board
include Uchumi Supermarket, National Oil
Corporation, Galitos Restaurant, among others.
The Uni-City will be implemented in three phases.
The first phase will see the construction of a
Hyper Market, Retail Shops, Banks/ATMs, Petrol
Station, and a spacious car park. The second
phase will see the construction of a convention
centre, hotel and a Recreation Park while the
third phase will see the construction of an office
block and apartment block.
The Uni-City will be situated within the
University’s main campus in close proximity to a
busy railway line, Nairobi-Thika Superhighway
and the Northern and Eastern by-passes which
will make it readily accessible .

The uni city logo is a simple logo that exhibits creativity and exquisite beauty. The logo is outstanding and memorable. It is timeless and versatile.
The drawings on the logo are positioned appropriately to represent different ideas and views of the uni-city project. Its primary function is to enable reconisability among a crowd of logos. The logo is scalable and readily usable at differing dimensions.
There is a merge between the 'u' and the 'n'.The diamond shape on top of the 'i' replaces the dot and also incorporates a design of the main building in kenyatta uni. Therefore the 'i' itself pictures the design of the building.
The colour scheme is a set of colours used in the uni forming a sort of colout trademark. The 'city' part of the logo is stylish thus represents fashion in business. It is yellow in colour thus attractive in nature. For your information the background is supposed to be white. That is being worked on at the moment.
'A city all in one' this is something i came up to complete the logo. Be welcome to share your thoughts on this one.Thankyou.
Where to begin?
I'll cut to the chase: this logo is beyond terrible. You seem to have a lot of faith in it, but unfortunately, nothing works. It's doesn't exhibit neither creativity nor beauty and it's certainly not outstanding or memorable. I'm sorry if I come across a bit harsh, but you need a serious reality check right now.
First and foremost, it doesn't read "Uni". It rather reads something like "UV", if it reads anything at all. The N has totally disappeared. The curves at the base of the U are very poorly done and that vertical line in the central triangular shape isn't straight, making the whole thing looks very sloppy.
That weird shape on the i is a mess. It looks totally random and bear no meaning at all, nor does it add anything aesthetically.
I don't know where you read that bright yellow makes something immediately "attractive in nature". No, it just doesn't. Quiet the contrary. It's very unpleasant to the eye, especially against a bright background. And that font says nothing about "fashion in business". It's rather plain and generic, the kind of font you find as a default type in your version of Windows, i.e not to be used in a logo. And the kerning is all over the place (
About the baseline, "A city all in one". Ok, but "all in one" what? It doesn't really make much sense. But that's the least of your problem right now.
Globally, it feels like you came up with this in 2 minutes flat and then made up all this blathering to make it look somewhat professional. Seriously, don't do that, especially with such a bad logo. It makes you look pompous and incompetent.
I guess you are a beginner in graphic design, so here are a few tips for you to progress.
First, you need to get as much inspiration as you can get. Sites like or can help you with that.
Second, do a bit of research. Check out what the competition is doing, look for logos that relate to the same type of business.
Third, let go of your computer and grab and pen and a piece of paper. Sketch and sketch again. I can't stress enough how this is the most important part of the creative process. At least in my opinion. Contrary to what you might think, Illustrator, or whatever software you use, is not a creative tool. It's only there to execute an idea you already have shaped up on paper.
Finally, talk to your client. Know what he/she wants, how he envisions his business, etc. Here's a link that can help you with asking the right questions:
Hope that helps. Again sorry for the harshness of this review, but you can only learn from it. Don't hesitate to come back and post revisions or other logos.
Good luck!
thanks. I am coming to terms with reality.
Thats straight up made in paint. I feel like the poster is trolling.
este logo le hace falta estética.. la idea no es mala. pero necesita un diseño limpio.