gcmoliveira | Sun, 06/16/2013 - 01:49
Brief from client
This is a National Bank. The CEO walked into my office one morning and told me, "we're looking for something new."
I asked him "how much newer?" and he told me, "let's switch from 'grandma, open a savings account here' to 'we have an iPhone app, give us your money.'" The result is this... An airy, upwards-oriented logo which obviously tells everybody, "this is what your statement will look like every month: up, up and away."
I don't think the Metro should be vertical. A national bank needs a clear precise message. I like the ornament but it needs to be played with.
Appreciate it. Will try to make it clearer.
Am not sure about this being your reply to (we have an iphone app, give us your money). I do not see a modern national bank here.
Try having both the words on one line, I think if the font is bolder that will give a sense of solidity and trust.
Yeah, it's never a good idea to have vertical text in the logo. It only complicates things.
I'm not sure what the symbols is supposed to represent. To me, it looks like a graph that's going all the way down. Not sure that's what the message the bank wants to send to its customers =)
Also, watch out the kerning, it's way off.
Good luck!
I thought by looking at this it was for a bus line or something not a bank.
I think the font spacing is off, as ins its heavy on the right. I like your concept of "up up and away" Hopefully referring to the people money growing and not the bank fees going up up and away lol ;)