website logo
Viktorina | Fri, 08/17/2012 - 20:21
Brief from client
a new project that we are just starting - a website that will inform anglers about the weather conditions in different areas of the state. it will be only for Bulgaria, that's why the logo will be in Bulgarian
Works for me, but the typeface. Too round. It would be better to have something less playful to compensate the shapes of the symbol.
like this maybe?
This is my advice... minus elements ;) and try other typography....
I do like it this way too! Even cleaner!
To be honest, I liked it too :) thank you very much I'll definitely consider taking away the details, and, I'm trying out another typography!
Също съм привърженик на по-семплите идеи. Слънчевите лъчи и водните капки са излишни. Държа да отбележа, че първоначалната типография ми допада много! Защо не опиташ да вкараш рибата и слънцето в перфектен кръг? Ще се получи доста по-симетрично и симпатично...