Wolfsen Graphic Design
Snickers | Fri, 06/05/2015 - 18:20
Brief from client
I would like to start my own designcompany with the name Wolfsen (my surname) so I was thinking of using a wolf as my brandmark.
Because a wolf is pretty much violence I tried to make it not violent at all.

I keep this symbol, made it cleaner, with a bit more style, less pointy.
I changed the font, it's a less boring font then the last version. I kicked the darkblue out and puted a darkgrey colour in to let the cyaan(other cyaan) look better.
I think this is the final edition, maybe if you guys have a little tip I would still appreciate it. I would like to thank everyone for the comments and I hope you guys have peace with this logo just like I do :)
I like what you have done with a font - that is a step forward! However, your symbol, as of right now, doesn't blend with a font type. I would suggest to only outline a wolf with a line(s) using the same thickness as you found in " Wolfsen ". That will work with a typography.
My previous comment still stands.
Yea well, I don't like that logo you showed at all.
It's not a matter of you liking it or not. It was just to show you an example of what a well designed howling wolf looks like.
You keep uploading the same half-assed logo, changing a few details here and there while you need a major overhaul. Again, you have all the element to come up with an ass-kicking logo, but you need to come to terms with this here logo and star fresh.
Get yourself a Pinterest account and see what other designers did with their wolf logos and get inspired. And then sketch on paper a few hundred doodles and ideas and see what comes up.
I'm not trying to bust your balls here. I'm only encouraging you to push the idea way further than it actually is. Man, I wish that I had someone saying that kind of things to me 15 yeas ago when I thought my logos were top notch. And realizing a few months later that they were really not. And guess what, it still happens today =)
Charlie, I'm taking my hat off to you for a superb made statement here that should be a BIBLE for ALL of US here - thank you very much !!! Before I even signed up on this site - I was reading your comments for a few years and was touched how precise and sharp you are to deliver a message to help someone. I'm glad that and fortunate to find you, as you're got so much influence for me and I'm changing because of you.Look, none of us perfect and at times I do stupid , foolish things which I'm not proud of. What I really admire in you is your straight forward drive to the point that needs to be addressed no matter who that is plus your knowledge and personal experience. I wish I met you 15-20 years ago to get my ass whipped. I especially love the last three phrases of your statement... When people think for a moment that their logos are top notch - they are done as artists - that process never ends. What happens is that creators need to stop - it doesn't mean their work is finished, it never does... I think if this fellow here doesn't take your statement seriously - he is stubborn and foolish. I have this idea to collect your best suggestions on this site ( including for me ) and publish a book with a famous smoking skull on a cover with a title : " Shawalicious " What do you think, Charlie? P.S.I'm , also, including this image of the wolf in hopes that it will inspire the guy to push it further.
That's a really creepy level of admiration...
I have the impression of seeing the wolf hanged neck or too thin.
Again, I think your idea is good but I think the changes to symbol weren't good. It's too rigid. I think version 5 was the best just without the cyan line going behind the main shape to the other side. Now it makes the neck look weird. For a font I would try a totally different font, you are making changes to a font that is underwhelming so even when you make changes it wont be that good. But again, overall you are headed in the right direction. Keep refining it and it will go from okay to great in no time! :)
Good catch.
What?! It can't be true...
After all this time and seven versions ...
But... It is true.
Poor pilfered wolfie. :(
C'mon,Waffles, time to wake up for you and start realizing that some individuals in here are " TOO TALENTED " to make seven lousy version on top of a SPAM.
Well bless my batter!
Some people here are more talented. Some people here need more help.
Some people just take smaller steps and need more feedback.
We shouldn't judge others based on that. There are genuine attempts at improvement in this logo through the versions.
May your day be whipped cream and strawberry coated.
Thank you and likewise .
may be a dumb question, but what is spam?
A spam is the kind of unwanted and intrusive mail, comment or post, which only goal is to sell a product, a service or an idea.
We tend to get a few spammy posts every now and again, on BotW. They're really annoying, but they get deleted relatively quickly.
This is not what SPAM is.
Did the OP draw inspiration from this particular logo? It could be the case indeed.
Is that bad? No. The two things are different enough not to be categorized as plagiarism.
The logo is bad enough on its own merit, it doesn't need wrong accusations.
Not as bad as using clipart and calling it your own....
BOPOTA | Wed, 04/22/2015 - 16:22 "My project - so, I do as I please."
Glass houses and all that.
It was just inspiration. It's not even used as logo. I have got a lot of good reactions so I am happy with the results. That the godfather of botw doesn't like it at all is a little disapointing but I like it how it is now so it's done. And Camobap please get a life because nobody takes you seriously.. Too bad many others didnt comment. But it's done now. Thanks guys!
You certainly made progress as the logo went along, and learned a lot. At least I think you did, as I watched it develop.
You can manipulate vector graphics well, which is a definite asset.
You have a logo that is usable as it is, but I was wondering if you would try something for me? As a personal favour. :)
Use all the knowledge you gained making this logo and try sketching your own cool looking wolf, then scan it in, and make it a vector. I am confident that you can make a better looking wolf that will be more personable than this. You don't have to do it, of course, but if you do and it doesn't turn out, no big deal, you still have this logo to fall back on.
I bet if you do that even Charlie would like it. (Just sayin') So why not challenge yourself Snickers? After all, You're not you when you're hungry, and I think you are hungry for logos.
Yes, I threw a Snickers joke it there. I had to, it was required by law!
I would like that very much indeed. =)
Why the alt account? O.o
Oh sweet Maker.
Did the already convoluted plot just become more convoluted? Are there doppelgangers now posting false information under other people's names?
Do we need to bring in the Goon Squad?