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rock star
sk irfan | Mon, 02/13/2012 - 16:46
Brief from client
teacher told me to design a logo for a clothing company "gothic syle"
First off, the font you are using too closely resembles the Rockstar energy drinks. One would assume your clothing line is associated with the coca-cola rockstar brand. Your basic idea is just that- take it a fews steps further. I agree with the above comment. The star of david does not ensue feelings of glamor, rock n roll, partying, or anything I would associate with being a rockstar or LOOKING like a rockstar. The colors are odd. Pick one color (not two colors that are only off by a percentage) and then use your black and white to better emphasize the different components.
Sorry, don't like it. The six pointed star is confusing. Feels religious rather than rock.
First off, the font you are using too closely resembles the Rockstar energy drinks. One would assume your clothing line is associated with the coca-cola rockstar brand. Your basic idea is just that- take it a fews steps further. I agree with the above comment. The star of david does not ensue feelings of glamor, rock n roll, partying, or anything I would associate with being a rockstar or LOOKING like a rockstar. The colors are odd. Pick one color (not two colors that are only off by a percentage) and then use your black and white to better emphasize the different components.
Keep trying!
its a copy of rockstar games ... please be innovative