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Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.

Mozzaika - crative agency and media production

Brief from client 

Logo for my own company so brief myself.
Company name should be recognizable in many language as mosaic-ish thing and in my country as well. I'm Polish.
Visual metaphor for mosaic - no "exact" meaning
Random and multi-shape design. Same idea but visually always different

My biggest concert to how to find balance between size of dots, spacing for print. Like i said logo is going to be system that change all the time so i able to make logo with different size of balls for different usage.
Small = bigger and less dots for very small prints
Medium = most common use -
Dense = for billboard size usage

Just let me know if this is anyway good idea.
Some people (including me) have bad feelings about color-blindness defect but some way its "stops" you to thing about it . Well i just think this is kind of mind catching and if its ok for you people? Give me a critique please.


Arthur Mamou-Mani's picture
32 pencils

Very nice but too many colours. Simplify it a bit more.

Stephen Fitzgerald's picture
405 pencils

i would suggest making the circles bigger as they are now they are too small when you have to shrink it down for other applications it will lose its self!

take off the blue on the first two letters in the tag line, its a nice idea but doesn't work for me.

To be honest i hate the m (sorry if that's too blunt)

over all i like the feel of the logo and think if you refine it a bit more it be pretty bad @$$

Artur Paprocki's picture

1) Thanks for "M" critique. I see it now its dull

2) Dot size\density is going to be set as guide rule in logo guide book but thanks and you are right about this totaly! Thanks

"Like i said logo is going to be system that change all the time so i able to make logo with different size of balls for different usage.
Small = bigger and less dots for very small prints
Medium = most common use -
Dense = for billboard size usage"

saraqroxy's picture
165 pencils

I'm definitely not a fan of the blue 'm'/main 'm' either - it looks sickly or just not right!
And I agree about making the dots larger- it's a nice idea (and I do like the mosaic loko) but they will all get lost if it's printed very small - and I think you'll still get a similar look with larger dots. But I guess you have that figured out and are planning on having three versions!?
I also agree about not having the first letters blue- it's unnecessary.

Last thing if you have time to answer- what's with the one orange dot? If it's supposed to be a period after the m or something, i'd maybe lose it!

PS- I marked typography as red just because of that main m- the rest of the font looks okay.

geracao ideias's picture
269 pencils

OK work a little on the M. the tag line do it with just one color... all the rest its OK for me!

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