serv. pyramid
kristin006 | Thu, 04/25/2013 - 13:05
Brief from client
shape of pyramid logo, stripes, modern, fresh, not too official ...
Company dealing with software for fields (cloud based, interaction between acompany managing external workers like plumbers, engineers, electricians).
I wanted to express interaciton between the dispatcher and service worker (like a swoosh), and different companies (represent 3 swooshes). The manadotires was the pyramid and stripes.
The client picked this version, now I am getting the shape right, colours, font...
Somebody made a comment that it looks like an air company logo with the colour and swooshes, so maybe I will consider different font, as it might have an official look.
I it so boring that no one comments? :)
No so keen on the type here, The text seems sort of digital. But the icon is great, the shape is really smooth when small, Much neater than the last version.
Would be great to see the typography of the last version with this icon?
Thank you for such a useful comment :)
I have to say I am not a fan of the font either (it s what client wanted me to try using, it s from his old logo), and yes, they typo will need some work, I know. So, let s go font hunting.
And thank you again for such pleasing note about the shape :)