Events App Logo
esree | Sun, 11/09/2014 - 10:00
Brief from client
The logo will be used for a location-based mobile app which pulls a list of all Manila (MNL) events near the user.
Will be great to know what you think about it! :)
Version 1
Idea is to jive in the popular colorful theme around Metro Manila - similar to "Make it Makati" theme:
I like the colourful aspect of it, however I noticed a portion of your M is halved when the opposite portion is not, so it breaks the consistency of your design. I included a picture with the areas circled that I'm describing. Also, I feel your gradients in some places could be a bit more subtle.
Actually, it is cut symmetrically. But I guess you're right that the gradients need improvement. Thank you for pointing that out! :)
Changed the colors a bit. :)