Crimson House realty
natman462 | Sun, 01/01/2012 - 20:56
Brief from client
We are a real estate company who are looking for a clean simple logo which will give our customers a sense of professionalism and clarity. Our work place is an old building which looks similar to the henry ford square house so if you can incorporate that it any way that would be ideal.
That house is definitely better.
I would try it with the roof the same color as the house.
maybe try "crimson house" in all lower case.
Remove all of that space in REALTY.
I think it's almost there : )
ps- I'm a little concerned about the house working at smaller sizes... you may have to tone down the detail.
that what i was worried about, the amount of detail on the house. I will try to clean it up and see how it looks.
There is just too many details on this house. If you scale it down to 1 inch, windows will look like some scratch marks on color.
If you just must have a house as a graphic mark, make it simpler. It still won't be a good logo but at least it will be a logo.