Erin Rose
ErinsSonicYouth | Wed, 04/18/2018 - 01:37
Brief from client
Hey guys,
So I know this logo still needs a ton of work. I've just been staring at it for hours and I don't think I'm seeing it with a critique's eye anymore.
I'm personally rebranding myself: we all know that's one of the hardest things to do.
My name is changing to Erin Rose fairly soon, and I've personally outgrown my current branding.
So I'd like critiques on my progress. The concept is taking the fox from my old branding, and mixing it with a rose to represent my new name and change as a person.
Yup, works. Removing the subtext was definitely the right move.
Have you tried a version with just strokes and no fill?
I love the mark but am not a fan of the hand-drawn text. Might just be personal preference, but it feels a bit too all over the place to me. The x-heights are wild and why doesn't the "e" connect from the s?
I love your idea here. Maybe try to play around with diversifying your colours a bit more. It be a case of a shift in overall tone or different colour for the petals.