G 13 Design
G13Design | Tue, 12/27/2011 - 22:02
Brief from client
This is for me... And, it has been said on here before, creating a personal logo is difficult. This started as just a stamp design. To watermark, etc. I have difficulty critiquing myself-- so here it is. Be gentle.

Working on this beast again. Like I've sad before, I have a hard time designing for myself. True for most I guess. I am a graffiti writer, so I am drawn to elements of that- stars- arrows- stencils.. and now, speech bubble : ).
I played with the 1 as an exclamation point. Going for bold & eye-catching. Something that would look at home wheat pasted on a wall as well as on a business card.
Let me know if I blew it again...
Tried to delete one of these. Not working. Sorry.
I love it, the only input I have is I'd maybe make G!3 white, reversed, but that's personal taste. Black on Red just never sits right in my brain. Good design & idea in my opinion.
I'd remove the dot (or square) of the exclamation mark and the triangle that converts the red rectangle into a call out.
Red, black, and white make a historically forbidden color combination. I'd remove the red and make it black to then make "G13" white.
It's not historically forbidden color combination luenib, it's just the color combination of the most impressive branding design in the history of the world.
Colors are colors and if he is not using Nazi iconography (which has historically negative connotations) let him be.
"it's just the color combination of the most impressive branding design in the history of the world."
Absolutely right.
Well executed, great color selection and good taste in typography. Idea, I've seen it before and has been use. Sorry...other then that good job
Thanks everybody. I didn't realize how much this had been done. I did a search for "speech bubble logo"... creeping jesus!!! : ).
Well, back to the drawing board.
Well I for one feel your pain when designing for yourself.
Your mark is clean and an improvement over the other versions but I think your are right in going back to the drawing board on this one.
I sort of get a feeling of vintage Russian posters. Maybe the coloring? But I thought that might be some point of inspiration for you.
It actually was. : P... Shepard Fairey is a friend of mine and I love his work. Most of his earlier stuff was constructivism inspired, so when I think of wheat pasting posters and bold graphic marks my mind goes there.
This logo is killing me... thanks for the comment.
you are friends with shepard faiery?? F..hell thats awesome
LOL.. just got an email from him a few minutes ago...
This looks a bit like a remnant of the Russian avant-garde and if it wasn't your personal logo I would say it could work, however...
1. it's too tall
2. it uses speech bubble (square but still a speech bubble)
3. it uses 'grotesque' typography with a 'spiky G', not really very pleasing
4. except for strong memorable color combination it does not strike me as pleasing or exciting
There, I said it.
I know you can do better so... let's see another one. :)
He is boring does not have concepte