Go Local Houston
Dante Davis | Thu, 05/24/2012 - 02:29
Brief from client
Initiative encouraging consumers to support local owned establishments.
No line ( Was kinda unnecessary. Was looking for it to add some weight in the bottom to balance the city, but it hurt more than it helped.
Changed the 2nd color in LOCAL to a lighter gray. It seemed more subtle and took away from the busy-ness in my opinion.
Please, critique :) I find all comments to be helpful im only 19 and have alot to learn.
PLEASE, NO TROLLS. If your going to critique, be constructive.
I think you can't go with both the arrow thing and the city silhouette, especially with the "Houston" placed here.
I'd remove the city altogether, rework the arrows and put "Houston" under the logo on the right.
I see. Only issue is i will be using this logo for other metropolitan areas and I planned on the city skyline changing for Atlanta, New York, ETC.
I See what you mean by having one or the other though. It does seem kinda busy. I guess I just have to chose between the interchanging cities, or the arrows :(
Thanks alot! Ill get back on it :)