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Logo for eureka design

Brief from client 

Complete overhaul of the visual identity of the Eureka Design communication agency.


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

J'ai encerclé les détails qui méritent d'être raffinés:

- l'espace entre chaque trait de l’hexagone n'est pas égal partout.

- les antennes pourraient être raffinées.

- toujours le même problème avec la partie rouge de l'abeille. On dirait que s'agit d'un E et d'un B, notamment à cause des petits coins que j'ai cerclé.

- la courbe positive de la partie de la rouge n'épouse pas exactement celle de partie grise.

Bonne continuation!

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

I look at the bee and expect to see a company name that has a B in it somewhere. I don't dislike this logo, I just don't like it. I guess I am saying it leaves me flat. I know there was something about a 6-pronged approach and the bee mimics it through the cell and the body segments, I just think that is a stretch.

darkreixor's picture
76 pencils

I like the overall idea but i am not sure why the hexagon is part of the graphics?

The bee could be refined (illustrator has nice tools to do that, like the curvature tool, and the smooth tool)

the E that is part of the bee looks like a B.

The problem with the kerning is i think because he maybe wanted "eureka" to be the same width as "design"?

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

My guess is the association with honey combs.

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