My logo
Onestoptekshop | Thu, 03/20/2014 - 06:06
Brief from client
I created this logo for my Tech consultant business don't know if its good and portrays my message. I could really use advice if its okay or should i just hire a pro. At my business we handle all our clients tech needs from a-z. including websites and online branding just i'm not the best with criticizing my own work so extra eyes would really help me out. also the vision is a single conduit to help ease less tech savvy people burden by us dealing with research and finding best solution available or design one our self's. I could really use some good designers also for my clients projects
The symbol makes me think of DIY rather than anything to do with IT.
I think you should get a pro involved, you'll appreciate it in the long run, as they will foresee issues that you won't even begin to think about.
Would you be comfortable if a bus driver was the pilot flying you on holiday? Or how about if a butcher performed root canal surgery on you?
As long as my new pilot isn't Malaysian and headed to China. ;)
A few thoughts...
Your company name has a certain cadence, a rhyme and rhythm when you read it out loud: ONE-STOP-TEK-SHOP
But the way you've put this together, it breaks the rhythm: ONE-STOP-TEK... shop
If I were you, I'd put all four words one one line, alternating bold like you've done above. Or if that looks like too much text for one line, split ONE-STOP and TEK-SHOP onto two lines.
That's an excellent point/observation!
Thanks for the advise should i have bold both on one side if i split them in two lines or break them up
If you're going with two lines:
ONE (thin) STOP (bold)
TEK (bold) SHOP (thin)
That way it's not too heavy on one side or the other, for better balance.
Era means a Generation
92 its the year in which i was born
In brief its ma Generation
So thats where i go the inspiration to call it era 92 Media
in the Logo i used XCII in Roman numerals to represent 92
Please advise me i want to come up with a perfect Logo
Why would you post this under my logo post it correctly and delete from my logo