My logo
Onestoptekshop | Fri, 04/04/2014 - 07:30
Brief from client
I created this logo for my Tech consultant business don't know if its good and portrays my message. I could really use advice if its okay or should i just hire a pro. At my business we handle all our clients tech needs from a-z. including websites and online branding just i'm not the best with criticizing my own work so extra eyes would really help me out. also the vision is a single conduit to help ease less tech savvy people burden by us dealing with research and finding best solution available or design one our self's. I could really use some good designers also for my clients projects
The colors a fine: nothing special, but not bad. You have big problems with text, im my opinion - better to make it shorter (in 1-2 versions typography was better/shorter). In this version simbol better than in others versions, but you need just a bit more space between letters and cirle, and maybe resize it a bit.
Im sorry for my bad english, and its just my opinion. Good luck!
PS: maybe this picture will help you to improve yours "circle" part in simbol:
The solo blue K is really throwing me.
Its so that the odd spelling doesn't confuse me with onestoptechshop cause they want like 4,000 for the domain
Yeah, the blue K is throwing the whole thing off balance. And it's gimmicky, as it has no real relevance or meaning.
The K is blue so that we it reinforces the odd spelling of "TEK" and not tech just want to get the name reinforced and make the spelling noticeable any suggestions on another way to make the spelling noticeable i'm all ears
I agree with Shawali and Jon - that blue K is confusing (which is why I thumbs downed you on color. I think you should have the words 'one' and 'tek' in blue (in my opinion), and have the symbol higher up as it's too close at the moment - as per my suggestion in your previous version post.
I don't think it'll be an issue with the spelling of 'TEK' either.
You could also look at shortening the web domain name too. It doesn't have to be exactly the name of the business in my opinion. The name is quite long and could be a bit of a bitch anyway, typing the whole thing out. The same goes for email.
For my business, I own the domains 'businessfreshdesign' as well as the shortened 'busfresh' I generally give people the 'busfresh' domain for web and email as it's smaller easier type and remember, and it all redirects to the full domain name. Just a thought ;)
yea been trying to find a shorter domain but lots are being sat on that are close to my name