PET Adminsitração
Brief from client
This is my purpose for a new logo to "Programa de Educação Tutorial em Administração" (PET ADM or PET Administração)
The principles of this Program that I tried to catch are Research, Education and Extension, that's why the format is basically a piramid, then I tried to create a mosaic which the word "PET" can be part of it.
Please DO NOT copy the ideas and purposes of this work, any doubts, please contact or comment.
New version.
White lines were significantly resized, I think will be something cleaner than before, the perception of the lines will be visible only if you look close to it. I really tried to maintain the first concept of the logo that I posted before (First Version).
I would like some opinions of the font, good or not? If it's needed to change, do someone have any sugestion ? I believe this font is adequate, because of its form, quite triagular, not square.
Thanks for the attention!
Everything looks much better, yet it is not ready yet. I would put more funky color, or make it B/W. I would Break Apart letters in ADMINISTRACAO and make kerning for every letter by hand, not relying on the software. I believe your next sketch is going to be closer to final result.
Alpreacher, thank you for the tips, but I'll have to disagree about the funky colors, the PET members make scientific researchs as one of the main activities, so I would say some sober and discreet colors could fit better in the logo.
About the letters separation, thanks a lot! It got really better than now, really helpful
I like the toned down lines. I think it really helps the PET stand out.
This is definitely an improvement from the last version. If you intend to stick with the elements are you have them, you need to work on different composition of the symbol with the word "Administracao" the word is too small compared with the symbol and also has an odd placement. I would maybe also make the lines within the triangle a bit more bold, but not too bold. Also the triangle over the "t" isn't working for me. Keep going, a few more changes and it will be great!