DavidBoom95 | Thu, 11/15/2012 - 15:24
Brief from client
Teyd: Tecnologia para la Evolucion y Desarrollo.
An App-Solution maker.
Teyd is a newborn project. Im going to enter to colleague and I want to make my own business during all my career, Teyd means: " Tecnología para la Evolución y el Desarrollo. I didn't. want TED, because is already taken. Teyd will be a technologic company, it will give solutions to problems, make apps, entertainment and such other different things. I wanted that the Logo was as simple as possible without being cold and boring. Also y wanted that the logo symbolizes evolution in a very discreet way.
I'm loving this! I personally like this one the most. The reason being because of not only the freshness of it, but the colors as well which blend nicely. Font is excellent. Which font is that, helvetica neue thin?
Overall good job!
Agree - simply a good job!
Aw, man! I hate being the boo-hoo'r here, but I think this is my least favorite!
I still looooooooooove the very first one- I thought it stood out and looked so unique/simple/elegant. This one (while the colors ARE gorgeous together) I just don't like as much, it doesn't stand out as much... I wouldn't want it on a t-shirt for example. But I could completely be in the minority here, just putting my vote in!! ;)
I like the symbol change, but now the type doesn't seem as unique as the first version. What about using squares instead of pentagon?
¿Like this?
Ok it looks good, but I don't really get the thing about the logo "being" the company.
What is the pentagon shape supposed to represent?
That is the point, it represents the company, not an idea. I mean, for example, I dont think my logo has to have a car in the symbol if my company sells cars, I want my logo represent the company without explaining anything. We can see this example in many other companies that do not give us a clue about their business (Mc' Donald's, almost every car company, Apple, Windows, and many others...)
Ok, I see what your mean. You want the company to be attached to a symbol. But in that case the symbol has to be really unique and unfortunately, I don't fond yours to be unique.
of all, this i like the most.
To be honest I see no idea in this logo. It's not unique at all, something you forget in 2 minutes.