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designexin | Fri, 01/06/2012 - 09:42
Brief from client innovative furniture brand...tvastra means "creative power" in sanskrit....
a customised furniture/interior designe company...named tvastra...originated in middle east......tvastra means " creative power" in sanskrit.....
the colours don't portray an innovative company as such, also the typeface HAS to be legible in order for it to be successful. the logo mark is getting there but still not 100% there. still looks a bit amateurish The dull red background i don't believe is necessary.
the colours don't portray an innovative company as such, also the typeface HAS to be legible in order for it to be successful. the logo mark is getting there but still not 100% there. still looks a bit amateurish The dull red background i don't believe is necessary.
A gigantic NO! for this design.
You just painted an inverted swastika over some text that resembles middle east writing.
In this case I would consider a career change, you might be great at some other job, design is just not your thing.
I see the progression in design and I respect that, but OMG a swastika? It would probably not be the best logo for a business.
its one corner away to be a nazi flag...try something new.
Surely not liking this.