Lighthouse Youth Ministries
Kayla Roxanne | Mon, 05/07/2012 - 01:08
Brief from client
This is a rebranding project for a group I work with. We are completely changing our name.

The name of the group is Lighthouse Youth Ministries (a group of teenagers from ages 12-18). So the logo must be able to suit Middle School age youth as well as High School age youth.
This is just the initial black and white version. The idea of making the lighthouse the "i" is so overplayed. I searched Lighthouse Logos and tried to stay away from what everyone else seemed to be doing.
I understand your idea and the images you wanted to stay away from. My problem with a grunge type (in this case) is that the grunge elements outside of the letters doesn't seem to fit. I don't have a problem with broken up letters, but the pieces or "splatter" that this type offers doesn't work for me with the light rays, etc.
background and the font that looks disturbing, because it looked more dominant than the logo itself. sorry it did not look like the logo
The lighthouse icon is nice. I would keep that and start over.
Background image look lively and very disturbing than its logo..
Why don't you try another "unsplattered" font, like "Memphis bold" that also has a perfect rounded "O"? The idea with the lightened "O" is very good, but try to place the light of the light house in the centre of the "O".
I like the idea. But i agree with the above and change the font. Also in my opinin the light from the lighthouse its to strong, why dont vanish her a little at the end?
The actual lighthouse is good... but that is about it. What is with the background sunburst thing going on? Not sure I fully understand that. Also, the fonts look like something from Microsoft Word. There is a lot of potential here, but this version isn't going to cut it.
The idea is there, but just like they all said, you need to make something more simple.
And this have some bug i cant make the tumb green to the idea xD
lighten up the background a lot maybe find a better font but overall from what i have seen in cases like yours the grunge type works well on some of the youth your trying to reach.
The rays of light don't let see the main idea... a grandient for these rays maybe... too much grunge...