Brief from client
This is a rebranding project for a group I work with. We are completely changing our name.
Hopefully the final version... I figured out what was wrong with the color in illustrator because what I was going for before was a neon green and an abrasive orange, inspired by graffiti.
I like it
think this is way cleaner!
maybe it is a final version
Yeah, this is much better. I like that the lighthouse matches the style of font better, and while the colors aren't my favorite I see what you mean about harsh graffiti colors. (If you'd even consider changing the harsh green to a harsh blue or red, that'd be nice!?!) But over all, nicely done!
the symbol seems childish, typo is good.
i dont like the line around it it dont mach the graffetie font.
the colors of the typo are great.
so: please make symbol more grafty, because i like the idea!
I like the lighthouse now! It's simple, clean, youthful, and for a lighthouse doesn't look lame! But the shapes of the lighthouse are very straight, clean and sharp and the typography is sort of rough. I like the grafiti colors idea and I like the green, but the orange still looks a little subdued/brownish. If I were you, I'd make it slightly more saturated and reddish. Below are a couple of images for ideas to make the sharp logo and the rounded, rough edged grafiti fit together a little better:
This first image is a spray painted stencil. Maybe you could make the logo look like that so that the whole thing looks spray painted in some way
I'm seeing homestar runner for some reason, am I the only one? I don't really like the lighthouse, agreed with above, needs to be more spray painty maybe, it's very...illustratory right now.
This image has some sharp parts of the design, but then the whole thing is kind of tied together by the splatters behind. I know this isn't exactly a logo, but maybe the idea can be adapted to work better for a logo.
This is going in the right direction. No additional comments.
Sorry — I am personally not keen on this logo, although I think it is the typeface under the graphic. It really doesn't compliment the lighthouse illustration because it doesn't have the sharpness. It also reminds me of the London Olympic logo. Keep the graphic, but find a typeface that compliments it.