My logo
Onestoptekshop | Mon, 03/24/2014 - 05:42
Brief from client
I created this logo for my Tech consultant business don't know if its good and portrays my message. I could really use advice if its okay or should i just hire a pro. At my business we handle all our clients tech needs from a-z. including websites and online branding just i'm not the best with criticizing my own work so extra eyes would really help me out. also the vision is a single conduit to help ease less tech savvy people burden by us dealing with research and finding best solution available or design one our self's. I could really use some good designers also for my clients projects
Nearly there, I would just change the 'one' and 'tek' fonts to the same as they were in the original logos.
I think that it was a good blue in the original logo too, so yeah I would have a two colour logo - blue and black.