My logo
Onestoptekshop | Sat, 04/05/2014 - 04:00
Brief from client
I created this logo for my Tech consultant business don't know if its good and portrays my message. I could really use advice if its okay or should i just hire a pro. At my business we handle all our clients tech needs from a-z. including websites and online branding just i'm not the best with criticizing my own work so extra eyes would really help me out. also the vision is a single conduit to help ease less tech savvy people burden by us dealing with research and finding best solution available or design one our self's. I could really use some good designers also for my clients projects
Nah, it looks like the blue part has been squeezed. The Bézier curves are all screwed up.
The black part looks better that way though.
Agree with Shawali. Also if you got the proportions right with this rounded style, it wouldn't match the fonts and if you changed the type to reflect the new symbol style, it wouldn't match your business type either in my opinion.
yea wasn't big on it either but was a suggestion so i figured to try it and it sucks