Expleo logo design
lifestyle_x | Thu, 10/02/2014 - 12:26
Brief from client
Expleo is small business that delivers all kinds of IT services. Expleo wants a "minimalistic" looking logo. Expleo's slogan is "embrace innovation".

As the slogan is "embrace innovation", I tried to play on the embrace part. The symetry is a result of that.
I tried a lot of fonts for "Expleo" and this one is the one that fits best in the graphic, imo.
The graphic itself is not too much, I tried to keep it simple as it has to be "minimalistic".
I chose the blue colours because they breath some kind of calm sphere.
Mmmh, I'm not really feeling this one. What strikes me the most is that it's highly unpractical, given that it's all vertical. There's a lot of lost space above and bellow the text.
I like the though behind this logo, but I don't it translates well with this.
Ok, thanks! You've got a really good point there.
Could you explain a bit more on the negative font and colors please?