Expleo logo design
lifestyle_x | Wed, 10/15/2014 - 11:49
Brief from client
Expleo is small business that delivers all kinds of IT services. Expleo wants a "minimalistic" looking logo. Expleo's slogan is "embrace innovation".
Dropped the tagline and made the white chain/link thingy in the center of the graphic a little bit smaller.
Also changed the font. I experimented a lot with the typography but there wasn't anything good I could add to it. Tried to copy the white chain to the text and give it a black stroke so it could play with the title, but imo it isn't as good as this clean version.
What do you guys think? Any tips on the typography?
*EDIT*: kerning
You haven't listened to my advice on your other version.. Your kerning is still off the spacing between your letters is wobbly and undivided.
Aaah true, I changed the kerning a bit when I used the other font. Forgot about it when I changed it to this one.
It's a easily fixed thing. Aside from that i do think it looks good so far.
The kerning was just a little bit off. I don't really have an eye for it.
I think I'll leave it like this, just some detail fixes maybe but no more conceptual changes. The client will decide if it's good or not.
Thanks for the feedback Racealistic!
Looks way better without the tagline.
The boxes look really heavy compared to the super light type. I also wouldn't go with a rounded type because it doesn't match up with the sharp edges of your symbol.
How about something like a Futura, or something with some weight? fontsquirrel.com is a great website for font ideas.