Cblue_Original Logo
Shar Dama Ka | Thu, 03/12/2015 - 19:44
Brief from client
Old logo at my current workplace, I am devastated by how ugly are logo is. Our owner made it over 10 years ago. I took it upon myself to restyle it.
Old logo at my current workplace, I am devastated by how ugly are logo is. Our owner made it over 10 years ago. I took it upon myself to restyle it.
There you go, much better. And just an idea, I don't know how it will look, but you could extend the top end of the C right next to the "blue" type, like you did for the lower end.
dionisdei, I think it would look too much like a circle. Glad you got rid of the gradients and went with straight color.
dionisdei, I already tried the making the C flush with the BLUE when I first went at the design. Like cooperads predicts; it actually looks just like a circle obviously anybody who works with our company would know it wasnt, but for the sake of future clients. I think this is the best option. Thank you for the green thumbs guys! I'm glad you approve.
The "blue" part reminds me of the Progressive Insurance font