Natural food company
himber | Fri, 12/04/2015 - 21:38
Brief from client
A logo for a natural food company called Spotted Owl specializing in popsicles made with organic locally sourced ingredients.
A logo for a natural food company called Spotted Owl specializing in popsicles made with organic locally sourced ingredients.
I see you have already received comments on previous versions of this logo. I will provide feedback on only what I see here. I don't see a correlation between the type of company and the logo design at all. As a consumer, I want to know immediately what the logo represents. I want to feel something and be instantly connected to natural foods and/or frozen treats with local ingredients. I don't get that here, at all. In fact, the name Spotted Owl should at least offer me some spots on the owl, and it does not. I think this logo is very amateur, and I don't mean that to be rude, but you may want to consult with the client a bit more. Or ask for a more detailed creative brief. Or, reach way outside the box and of the boundaries you are comfortable with and stretch your imagination for designs that inspire you, and not necessarily what your client has asked for--if this is what they asked for. Good luck!
I like the owl. I like the type.
Find a better balance between the size of the symbol and the word mark. Maybe make the owl sit on the brand name.
Remove the branch, it's superfluous and complicating.
You might get yourself a pretty good logo for someone who just start dabbling into graphic design.
Keep it up!
I think the branch is important here because it provides context for the owl's perched pose, and without it there would just be more empty space between the bottom of the owl and the text. Without it the owl would just kinda float there.
Como dijo mi compañero "Jody Searing", no hay ninguna conexión entre lo que la empresa ofrece y el logotipo que estás ofreciendo. Una lastima, creo que deberías empezar por ahí. Saludos.-
I don't see a correlation between the type of company and the logo design at all, just like Jody Searing said. I'm sory.