Shawali | Fri, 10/17/2014 - 17:25
Brief from client
Hi guys. Here's another project that has been on hold for a few months.
Wizer is web app that helps you choose the right product that you really need, thanks to the help of experts, ie other subscribers who actually know their stuff about that particular product. Basically, it's pole based social shopping app, if you will.
The idea behind the name is that thanks to the app, you'll get "wiser" when it comes to choose the right product.
Maybe a chubby version (ok that was on the side really quick but you know), and need some color :)
As I said in the first post, I'm not at the coloring stage yet. I'm focusing o the concept and the general shape right now.
Thans for the feedback though. I drew a few dozen symbol on paper, some of them chubby, but I didn't go that way as I don't really aim to have a "cute/pokemon" symbol =)
Does the app have a strong emphasis in communication and chatting? If its strictly shopping based, I don't think a speech bubble sends the right message. In any case, I think the bubble should be coming in from the right toward the text, not the left (which is empty). But personally I don't think the chat bubble stem is necessary, and just a rounded bottom of the head would work nicer.
But it looks like an owl now! :)
The bubble thing is more to emphasize the social aspect of the whole thing, people connecting with people, that kinda of stuff.
But good point on the direction of the bubble's tear drop.
Yeah huge take off in the right direction. Can definitely see a owl now but also a tulip :X
Have you mind mapped before sketching?
Since its social and shopping related the quickest thing that comes to mind is a shopping bag and a smart phone. But mind mapping really helps when you try to think up out of the box ideas. The owl also looks "goofy/cartoony" now. Definitely not wise but if this was the direction you were aiming for take no note of it.
Since its called "Wizer" and the emphasis is on it being a wise thing to do to your shopping smart. Maybe give the owl some sort of glasses. A pair of glasses always showcases an intellectual appearance. Curious how this will turn out. Good luck!
I was wrong in the brief part saying it's kinda of shopping app. t's not. The goal is to help you decide what the right product for you. You don't buy stuff through the app.
I agree with you the cartoonish/goofy part. I kinda like it but maybe I'll also try something a bit more square.
Thanks for the feecback!
It looks scared, meaning unsecure, or anything else than "wise".
How can an unsecure figure "decide what's the right product for me" ? (you said that the app that it represents does that).
What if you try some eyebrows? It will change everything. You can make it look funny or angry through simple eyebrows.
Just noticed something else. The highlights of the pupils are on opposite sides. It should emulate a consistent light source (for a logo, I know) and each be on the left or the right side of the pupil.