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Aggressive M

Brief from client 

Sportswear logo company for MMA and STREET
the brandname is "MASSIVE"
project not ready

It is the last concept I must choose of version 9, version 10 or version 12
what you think which is the best?


Mniako's picture
14 pencils

You say "massive", but letters are thin and subdivided =/
Also you need some "street dynamic" in a logo, look at "etnies" and "vans" logo for example.

Maam Pope's picture
14 pencils

Etnies and vans is an bad example, ur in the fitness and gym scene. Everything is possible because the market is big and colourfull :D
i agree with street dynamic, but i think u should better look it up at alpha ore golds gym

BlankCreative's picture
12 pencils

Version 10

ulysse pradvertising's picture
10 pencils

I think you have enough versions, so far! If the client is not determined, you better give up! Or you may have a problem!

That fence (it seems to me like a fence) says something about prison!

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

It represents the cage in MMA fighting.

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

I think this is cool looking but better served as a shirt design. As a logo I think it gets a little too complicated, especially compared with some of the other offerings you have put forth. I like 9 and 10.

Maam Pope's picture
14 pencils

I agree number 9 is the best, simple and expressiv

DeaDraco's picture
42 pencils

I agree with Jon Atkinson about it being a shirrt design, i like the 11 and 10 so maybe you should leave itto the client to decide.

Version history