Gigafrost | Thu, 09/13/2012 - 16:15
Brief from client
Creative agency that focuses on growth, linking, and evolving.

Overhaul once more. I figured I ditch the symmetric style and go with a more alien look. Type is tilted slightly to give you a sense that its floating in the body of the little martian dude. Logo is more shorter. A simple shadow, antennas, and a face is added in. Only two colors too! All critique is welcomed.
i really like this! i think u should consider putting the text below the alien though so it looks like he's looking down at it and with it below you can make it a bit bigger and straight so it stands out a bit more
Thanks! Okay will definitely take note of that in the next revision.
To be honest I'm not a fan of this logo, but it's well designed, there aren't too many problems with it. The slight difference in the brightness of the bubbles will not print properly in smaller sizes. And yes, I'd make the text bigger too, but I wouldn't take it out of the figure, because it will be too empty than.
I really like this logo, nice overhaul!
I agree maybe get the text a LITTLE bigger, and oscar has a point when printing!
My Fav so far!
Cute, I think this is overall stronger. I definitely think this little guy could be called a Blooet btw. I like this your little butterfly alien :)
Yes, now it looks like an alien......... Blue E.T.
All thumbs up! Great draft! Don't change anything now!
I have to add one comment: The double "O"s give your alien a feminine touch!