Country Bound
jukesie | Mon, 10/24/2016 - 12:53
Brief from client
The client required something to include the outdoors, utilising colours you would associate with the outdoors. They wanted a sense of freedom and scope to what can be seen and done if you're only willing to step outside and find it.
I am reasonably happy with the overall look and feel, but I would like to know what the community think, and if there are any parts or points to which I could look to improve the design. After all I can't be completely objective about my own work all the time. Please be constructive.
Thank you in advance.
The dark border around the text is a bit offputting. I am also bothered by the skew on the window frame. It just all feels off balance.
I see where you're coming from. The skew nature was, of course, intended, but I'll see what straightening the whole thing out might do. Thanks.
Even ignoring the text/skew problem, I feel the tree/mountain/river picture is poorly rendered. I would spend more time there first.
That has been one thing floating around in my head, but I was aiming for a more abstract rendering. Thank you. I will see how I can rectify it.
If any Admins are about, could you remove this version please? I know space is precious on the first page.
I deleted the other two, but since this one is the first posted, it would make sense to keep it to see how far you've gone when you wind up with a killer logo thanks to all the help you got on the Critique Section =)
Sure, of course, that makes perfect sense. I'm so glad that I was able to come to a final logo that people seem to like. I was starting to believe that I really had no place designing lol