Country Bound
jukesie | Wed, 11/02/2016 - 11:16
Brief from client
The client required something to include the outdoors, utilising colours you would associate with the outdoors. They wanted a sense of freedom and scope to what can be seen and done if you're only willing to step outside and find it.
I like this much better without the ball on the bottom.
I think your changes have improved this logo a lot! If you fix that one "point" on the mountains (maybe extend the white cap, or just omit that point) you will have a solid logo. Good work on this =)
Yes, I think you're really close. In addition to the adjustments Joy pointed out, I notice the mountains are tilted. I'd just set them on a level plane, but keep everything else as they are.
Compared to previous versions, this is really polished! Great work.