Country Bound
jukesie | Sat, 10/29/2016 - 11:18
Brief from client
The client required something to include the outdoors, utilising colours you would associate with the outdoors. They wanted a sense of freedom and scope to what can be seen and done if you're only willing to step outside and find it.
So, taking onboard some of the comments notably that's it might be too busy or over complicated, it might not reflect the general market design style of other companies in the same field, but keeping things such as the colours and typeface, I came up with this.
Personally I like this, but then I liked the earlier one too. I'm sure there are plenty of things to change, and I'm sure that you will all see tons of flaws, but gotta keep plodding on :)
I like it! much improved compared to the other versions! good job!
I LOVED this one! The balance is really nice. Good job!
I too like this one much better. I don't really understand the shadow on the sun or the mountains. I am not certain it adds anything to it. I am also used to seeing "purple mountain majesties" not green, but it isn't a deal breaker for me.
Removing the window was definitely a step is the right direction.
The main thing you need to fix is the path that should tilt up right as opposed as going down. It gives a sense of negativity.
"Bound" is slightly smaller in size than "country". Since the two words make the full name of the brand, they should be of equal size.
I also don't think you need that semi-circle. Losing it will give the logo more room to breath.
The strokes of the mountains should be at the same angle too.
Keep it up!
Yes, removing the semicircle will also give you more flexibility on the size of the company name. It could use some more breathing room.
Great improvements.
I prefer to see the lines ambitious and upcoming. Falling lines felt negativt in my culture