buzzroberts | Fri, 04/24/2015 - 16:40
Brief from client
Needs to look simple, clean, professional.
Needs to work on websites, in visual media (lower thirds and banners), and in print (letterheads).
Their eye can be reworked or continued to be used.

These are revisions based upon feedback.
Changes reflected here:
1) Cleaned up and worked with kerning of font.
2) The idea of the "eye" has been deconstructed the letters only suggest the concept of an eye--they are not meant to look like an eye.
3) The deconstructed eye suggest the mechanics of a machine.
4) Incorporated elements of media and media playback machines.
5) Also added visual suggestion of Media broadcast (alluding to the old radio wave coming from the M)
You have gone from one extreme (far too simple) to the other (far too much).
I am afraid the symbol is a giant confusing mess. I can't see any of the things you are talking about in there.
The typography has been improved, but I feel it may still be too simple, (even for a place with Simple in the name).
Maybe try a colour that isn't almost 100% Cyan. That colour has been done to death, find something unique that feels like the company.
Keep at it!
Wow, that symbol really got out of hand. It's just too messy and makes no real sense. Let go of the mouse and restart from scratch, with a proper creative process this time, which goes a little bit like this:
- research: have a good idea of what type of business you're dealing with, make a list of different companies in that business and see what their identity looks like.
- inspiration: get yourself a Pinterest account, do a bit of research on eye logos, to know what's been done and what hasn't. Also check sites like
- sketching: a lot of it. Grab a pen and a piece of paper and sketch a few dozen ideas, and when you think you're done, sketch a few dozen more. I cannot stress enough how important this part is. Don't go straight to the computer, you'll just end up with these very lame logos you came up with.
- Finally, when you've got a clear idea of what you want to achieve, then use your vector based software to execute your idea.
Good luck!
there's too much going on in the symbol
I see a lot of movement in the symbol is what I only generates confusion.
I cannot agree more with Shawali - he said exactly what I was about to say, too. Your logo now start looking a bit as Real Madrid iconic crest. I sketched on my own a day ago your logo and it looks simple enough - but I would like you to achieve that on your own. Give you a head start : S + EYE + M